Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leadership as Identity

A few months ago I posted an entry on my own identity. A friend of mine sent me a link to an American Express commercial and it is of Duke University men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski. In the commercial he clarifies the fact that he isn't a basketball coach who is a leader, but instead a leader who happens to coach basketball. This sense of identity is the difference between authenticity and pretentiousness.

So often we say that we want to be a leader or we desire a leadership role when in fact your identity as a leader must come before a title or a position. You must learn to view each interaction, circumstance, and opportunity through your leadership lens.

Knowing your leadership identity is important because if you do you will be able to lead in business, at your place of worship, and most importantly in your home. True leadership isn't circumstantial and doesn't depend on your environment. Instead, it is who you are at your core.

As my wife and I train and develop our sons we realize it is our responsibility to help shape their leadership identity. I still need the same level of assistance and receive that from mentors who consistently speak truth into my life.

I challenge you to begin viewing each interaction, circumstance, and opportunity both personally and in the world around you through the eyes of a leader and see how it changes how you view life. Check out Coach K's commercial below.

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