Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Right Seat on the Bus Makes the World Go Round and Round

Years ago Jim Collins in his book Good to Great wrote about getting the right people on the bus. I love that idea, but what I love even more is getting them in the right seats. In 2010 I “upgraded” my team and we now have the most talented team in the history of my business. Why? Because we not only got the right people, but also put them in the right seats.

So what happens if you put the wrong person up by the driver? Well, he gets annoyed and may not get the bus to the right spot because of his incessant distraction. Now, that person may fit better in the in middle of the bus where he has a broader audience to work his magic.

What happens if he has the wrong person in the back of the bus next to that great emergency door? You know, the door that always gets opened “by accident” on field trips so that it starts buzzing? The whole bus could get distracted by the door opening, or worse, in an emergency not everyone could get out timely.

What about the people by the windows? Those windows can be pretty tough to open if you’re not strong enough. Who wants to roll down the road in a hot, stuffy bus? Not I. If those people aren’t strong enough, you’re in for a LONG, HOT ride. In an emergency those windows may also come in handy. Maybe the weaker people need to sit on the inside by the isle until they are strong enough to handle the responsibility of working next to the general public.

So take some time during this wonderful season of performance reviews to not only assess your team’s overall talent, but also whether they’re in the right roles. Having your crew in the right seats will give you an instant advantage and jumpstart 2011.

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